Abhinav Parate

Backer, CrowdSignals.io - Head of R&D at Lumme Inc.

Automating and Scaling Personalized Care

Lumme Inc is developing a personalized quit program for smokers by combining wearable sensors, data analytics, and behavioral psychology. As the head of R&D, Abhinav's primary role is developing the technology to automate and scale personalized care. With data from a phone and wristband, our platform can automatically detect when the user is smoking and identify triggers associated with their smoking behavior. This information is then used to predict high risk situations and prevent a relapse by offering just-in-time intervention, specifically designed to induce lasting behavioral change. Lumme's technology pushes the envelope of traditional therapy to make this the last quit attempt of every smoker.

Using CrowdSignals.io Data

With data from CrowdSignals we hope to test our smoking-detection algorithms and expand our technology to include detection of eating behavior as a possible trigger for smoking behavior. This can further enable our technology to detect and treat eating disorders such as binge-eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and obesity.

Learn More

Website: https://lumme-labs.com/
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/parateabhinav/