Lin Zhong

Associate Professor, ECE and CS Departments, Rice University

Efficient Computing

Lin received his B.S and M.S. from Tsinghua University and Ph.D. from Princeton University. He have been with Rice University since September 2005 and was a visiting researcher with Microsoft Research for the summer of 2011 and March to December 2012. At Rice, he leads the Efficient Computing Group which focuses on mobile and embedded systems. He is the recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award and of the best paper awards from ACM MobileHCI 2007, IEEE PerCom 2009, ACM MobiSys 2011, 2013 and 2014, and ACM ASPLOS 2014. He also recently received the Duncan Award from Rice University and the Rockstar Award from ACM SIGMOBILE.

Using the CrowdSignals Data

Lin will use the CrowdSignals data to develop automated OS-level device runtime power management systems that lie in the intersection of hardware and software systems.

CrowdSignals Endorsement

"CrowdSignals will provide a vital source of data on the everyday performance of mobile computing and communication systems for a diversity of users across the United States. Unlike previous efforts pursued by academics like our LiveLab project, CrowdSignals data collection model could scale up to many more users in a cost-effective manner. When the privacy concerns are adequately addressed through anonymization and other techniques, the resulting dataset could be fundamental to our work on future computing and communication systems."

- Ling Zhong
Associate Professor
Rice University

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