Rijurekha Sen

Backer, CrowdSignals.io - Post-doctoral Researcher at Max Planck INstitute for Software

Mobile App Privacy with Encrypted Data

Rijurekha Sen is a post-doctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany. She generally works with mobiles and sensors to build applications related to road traffic monitoring, energy measurement and targeted advertising in the retail sector. The technical skills involved in her kind of work are smartphone programming and embedded systems design, sensor data processing using applied machine learning, wireless networking to connect sensors and backend servers and data visualizations on static and interactive maps. There are some logistic skills involved in deploying the systems that she implements, in collaboration with government organizations or startups. Recently, she is working on mobile data privacy to see if cool mobile applications can be supported, even after ensuring data privacy! She is also interested in auditing mobile services and apps created by third parties to measure their functionality and privacy properties as an independent researcher.

Using CrowdSignals.io Data

She will explore the CrowdSignals.io data primarily in the context of mobile privacy related research. Whether interesting mobile apps can be supported using encrypted data, needs real datasets to be evaluated. She is hoping that the CrowdSignals.io dataset will fill that gap of easily available mobile and sensor data, which can be used to test such research hypotheses or prototype systems.

Learn More

Website: www.mpi-sws.org/~rijurekha