Mobile Sensing and Applications
Romit leads the SyNRG research group at UIUC where his group performs cutting edge research at the intersection of mobile sensing, computing, and wireless communications, with an emphasis on topics such as indoor localization, augmented reality, activity and gesture recognition, smartphone sensing and analytics, context-awareness, internet of things, smart transportation, and mobile security.
Using the CrowdSignals Data
Romit will use the CrowdSignals data to build and evaluate a variety of novel mobile sensing, activity recognition, and context-awareness applications.
CrowdSignals Endorsement
"Collecting sensor data from the wild is often not the difficult problem - the difficulty often emerges from associating ground-truth labels to this data. CrowdSignals is systematically approaching the task of labeling, which can make the data set incredibly useful to a wide variety of applications. Moreover, the collective time savings across academia and industry would be enormous."
- Romit Roy Choudhury, Associate Professor, UIUC
Connect with Romit
Homepage: http://web.engr.illinois.edu/~croy/