Featured Sponsor: SenseGrow + InstaMsg Free Trial – Build and Launch IoT Apps 10x Faster!

InstaMsgFounded in 2014, SenseGrow is a technology startup committed to providing the best possible Internet of Things (IoT) technology to its customers. SenseGrow creates easy to use IoT software that enables developers to build IoT solutions faster and businesses to get more value from their connected devices.

SenseGrow Founders   Build your IoT products and solutions 10x faster with zero upfront cost and no risk. SenseGrow’s secure middleware platform enables you to focus on your business case or product without worrying about the underlying IoT infrastructure. Use SenseGrow APIs to securely connect with Devices, People, Apps or Things and let them worry about the embedded coding involved. Run remote diagnostics, reports and update firmwares on your Things with no hassle. SenseGrow is currently offering a free trial of InstaMsg for real-time IoT connectivity and messaging!

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