Featured Sponsor: TwoSense – Empowering Businesses and Individuals with Their Own Data

TwoSenseTwoSense was founded in 2013 by Dawud and Ulf, two researchers in the field of personal data analytics. They saw an imbalance in the quality and quantity of data that was available to large corporations, and the utility that was being offered to users from the majority of businesses they interact with.

They set out to close this gap by creating technology to give the user a data set of their own real-world and digital behavior, and the ability to get value and utility from it.

TwoSense’s mission is give users their personal data, help them get value and utility from it. They give users the tools they need to track themselves effortlessly, and the ability to share what they want with the businesses they interact with in perfect clarity. The result is better data for businesses to deliver value and utility to the user, and more control and transparency for the user.

TwoSense Features

TwoSen.se is a mobile data analytics company. Their unique experience and expertise allow them to develop and use embedded, hyper-efficient machine learning algorithms for data collection and fusion that run on the device. This approach allows them to reduce power consumption and network usage to a minimum, reducing the cost of ownership to the user. It also provides data availability on mobile in near real-time by cutting out the need for network API turnaround.

They are also experts in processing large data sets using cutting edge analytics algorithms and technologies. Their cloud engines employ deep convolutional networks combined with probabilistic models and methods to combine data across users and applications and create uniquely accurate and effective insight.

By leveraging their expertise and distributing the data processing pipeline across mobile and cloud, TwoSense creates a unique stack for highly-efficient data collection, processing, analysis and insight delivery in real time for our users and customer.

Website: http://twosen.se/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TwoSenseLabs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/twosenselabs

Featured Sponsor: Database, Data Mining, and Bioinformatics Lab – UC Santa Barbara

The Database, Data Mining, and Bioinformatics lab’s (DBL)
research focuses on network science, scalable querying, and mining of graphs, and bioinformatics.

Network science is a new and emerging scientific discipline that examines the interconnections among diverse physical or engineered networks, information networks, biological networks, cognitive and semantic networks, and social networks. This field of science seeks to discover common principles, algorithms and tools that govern network behavior.

DBL is developing methodologies, algorithms, and implementations needed for scalable, dynamic, and resilient networks. Specific problems include querying composite networks, modeling dynamic networks, sentiment analysis, analysis of content and user behavior, discovering unusual patterns, and sampling in composite networks.

DBL PeopleDBL will use the CrowdSignals.io data for academic research, studying the dataset from a network-based modeling perspective.

Learn More:
Website: http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~dbl/

Featured Sponsor: Hiflylabs, Budapest

HiflylabsHiflylabs is a company that provides Business Intelligence, Consulting, and Customer Development services. Based in Budapest, Hungary, they create business value from data. Hifly carries out BI projects in many areas, from data mining and data warehousing to the solution of Big Data problems. To expand their activity, they established a mobile application development department, which has become a reliable element of our skill set. They have extensive experience with the tools of well-known data warehouse and BI technology vendors, and we also use new generation open-source solutions in their projects.

Marton Zimmer
Hiflylabs managing partner, Marton Zimmer.

The core team at Hiflylabs has been working together for 15 years, currently with more than 50 passionate employees: data analysts, data scientists and enthusiastic data ninjas. They have extensive experiences in working and managing multicultural projects and are keen on keeping their exceptional price/performance ratio on all projects.

Hifly will use the CrowdSignals.io data experiment with applying Big Data technology to sensor data, checking performance and usability possibilities.

Learn More
Website: http://hiflylabs.hu/english.html
Blog: https://blog.hiflylabs.hu/en/
Follow Hiflylabs on LinkedIn

Featured Sponsor: Smart Data Innovation Lab at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

SDIL   The Smart Data Innovation Lab (SDIL) offers big data researchers a unique access to a large variety of Big Data and In-Memory predictive analytics technologies (e.g. SAP HANA, IBM WATSON, Software AG Terracotta). Industry and science collaborate closely in order to find hidden value in big data and generate smart data. Projects are focused on the strategic research areas of Industrie 4.0, Smart Energy, Smart Cities and Personalized Medicine. In order to close today’s gap between academic research and industry problems through a data driven innovation cycle the SDIL provides extensive support to all collaborative research projects free of charge (applications are accepted via the web site).

SDIL Diagram-1SDIL provides access to experts and domain-specific skills within Data Innovation Communities fostering the exchange of project results. They further provide the possibility for open-innovation and bilateral matchmaking between industrial partners and academic institutions. Template agreements and processes ensure fast project initiation at maximum legal security fit to the common technological platform. A standardized process allows anyone to set up a new collaborative project at SDIL within 2 weeks. Furthermore, it actively lists data sources such as CrowdSignals.io and lists relevant code artifacts to augment the unique industrial grade solutions provided within the platform.

SDIL is a community effort from both industry and academia in Germany coordinated by Prof. Michael Beigl’s team at TECO. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology runs the platform.

SDIL Activities

One use case for CrowdSignals.io data that will be investigated by KIT TECO in personalized medicine is investigating correlations between interruptibility of a user and their context for field research and surveying. They expect to be able to infer interruptibility rules to implement a smart notification management system. It shall handle notifications with respect to the user’s interruptibility with the objective to improve user experience.

Learn More
Website: http://www.sdil.de

Featured Sponsor: SenseGrow + InstaMsg Free Trial – Build and Launch IoT Apps 10x Faster!

InstaMsgFounded in 2014, SenseGrow is a technology startup committed to providing the best possible Internet of Things (IoT) technology to its customers. SenseGrow creates easy to use IoT software that enables developers to build IoT solutions faster and businesses to get more value from their connected devices.

SenseGrow Founders   Build your IoT products and solutions 10x faster with zero upfront cost and no risk. SenseGrow’s secure middleware platform enables you to focus on your business case or product without worrying about the underlying IoT infrastructure. Use SenseGrow APIs to securely connect with Devices, People, Apps or Things and let them worry about the embedded coding involved. Run remote diagnostics, reports and update firmwares on your Things with no hassle. SenseGrow is currently offering a free trial of InstaMsg for real-time IoT connectivity and messaging!

SenseGrow Partners
Learn more about SenseGrow:
– Follow SenseGrow on Facebook
– Follow SenseGrow on Twitter
– Connect with SenseGrow on LinkedIn

Featured Sponsor: Lumme – Personalized Quit Programs for Smokers Using Wearable Sensors

Lumme IncLumme Inc is developing a personalized quit program for smokers by combining wearable sensors, data analytics, and behavioral psychology. They are developing the technology to automate and scale personalized care. With data from a phone and wristband, the Lumme platform can automatically detect when the user is smoking and identify triggers associated with smoking behavior. This information is then used to predict high risk situations and prevent a relapse by offering just-in-time intervention, specifically designed to induce lasting behavioral change. This technology pushes the envelope of traditional therapy to make this the last quit attempt of every smoker.

Abhinav and Akshaya
Abhinav Parate, Head of R&D and Akshaya Shanmugam, Project Manager

With data from CrowdSignals.io, Lumme will test their smoking-detection algorithms and expand the technology to include detection of eating behavior as a possible trigger for smoking behavior. This can further enable our technology to detect and treat eating disorders such as binge-eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and obesity.

Featured Sponsor: Goergen Institute for Data Science

Goergen Institute for Data Science

We’re introducing our top sponsors through a series of blog posts over the next few weeks – and we’re happy to announce that the leading academic sponsor of CrowdSignals.io is the Goergen Institute for Data Science at the University of Rochester. The Goergen Institute supports interdisciplinary research in data science across the University of Rochester’s College of Arts and Sciences, the Hajim College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the School of Medicine and Dentistry and the University of Rochester Medical Center, and the Eastman School of Music. The Institute offers undergraduate and Masters programs in Data Science. In 2017, the Institute and the Department of Computer Science will move into Wegmans Hall, a state of the art facility now under construction.

For more on the Goergen Institute see: www.rochester.edu/data-science
News: www.rochester.edu/data-science/news/
Research: www.rochester.edu/data-science/research/